Saturday, September 12, 2009


We decided to get Lagoon season passes this year. We loved it so much. We decided that Monday night was lagoon night so we went every week mixed with a few weekends while the kids were visiting from PA. Porter was fearless and rode everything he was tall enough for, and he really wanted to ride the things he wasn't quite tall enough for.

He always wants to be higher and faster.

Of course he loves any ride where he can shoot things.

We even found Burk's favorite ride. It is called the lady bug bop and is located in kid land. We had a ton of fun this summer and I am so glad we got passes and made lots of fun family memories.

1 comment:

Burk said...

Ummm, don't believe that everybody. I really like all the scary manly rides the most. I don't even know what she is talking about. Oh geesh.