Wednesday, November 11, 2009

All out of Order

I have about a billion posts that I want to go back and post but I thought it was important to do this one today. So my stuff will be all out of order but oh well.

To all the soldiers who have lost their lives, to all the injured men and women, to all the POW's, to all the mothers who have laid in bed all night and worried about their babies who were away from home fighting for our freedom, to all the wives who have cried themselves to sleep, to all the children praying each night that mommy or daddy will return home safely, to all the sisters that have missed Christmas with a sibling, to every friend who has lost a friend, to every grandchild who never actually met their grandparent, to any of our service men and women who have missed the birth of a child, a first word or step, to every member of our military living or not, that I may or my not know, a sincere THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart. Have a great Veterans Day!!!!! You deserve it.

1 comment:

The Hicks Family said...

Beautiful!.. absolute thanks to each and every one!!!