Thursday, September 2, 2010

Kindergarten Already!!!!

Porter started kindergarten and loves it so much. It was a little hard on me I will admit. He was so excited he had his outfit all picked out the night before. He informed me he needed to be dressed all in baseball. He wore a new baseball shirt, new shorts, new socks and his "Benny shoes"  because they are guaranteed to make kids run faster and jump higher.  He was also sporting a super cool Transformers backpack. When we got there he was not nervous at all. He went right in and started making friends, true Porter style.  He has been waiting for this day for a long time. When we left, the daycare bus was there so he got to see where he gets on the bus. He is very excited about the bus. I was nervous, I was choking back tears the whole time. He is already a little smarty pants and has been practicing math with Burk and writes Sammy Sosa letters frequently so he is  pretty well underway with the kindergarten curiculum.  I was a little worried that he would get bored with what they were learning and start to reek havoc in the classroom. But we are a while in and haven't had a problem yet. (knock on wood) I can't believe this has come so fast. My baby has grown up. He makes me proud everyday though, and even though I sometimes miss him being a baby I am looking forward to this next chapter of his life. I know it will  get even better and there are years of memories and proud moments to come. I love you big school boy.

1 comment:

The Hicks Family said...

so if you didn't cry. you are a MAJOR strong woman.. i will be bawling my eyes out for the day Kyln goes.. and even my other ones.. it means that the babies are growing up.. but your doing something right and helping teach them the way! :))) Kudos for not crying though.. i don't think i could do it. :)