Sunday, January 29, 2012

BrEaKiNg NeWs!!

While I was downstairs pinteresting, (my newest addiction) and Burk was in the basement gaming on the PC Rebb ran past me up the stairs. I didn't think much of it. I figured he was going to his room to play with his tools or something. Shortly after I hear him say Mom I pooped. I was horror stricken!! Oh man, in the pants again. NOPE! He was in the bathroom on the toilet. He had in fact pooped in the pot. One small poop for mankind, one HUGE poop for the Benton fam. HOORAY!! I am so proud of my two year old genius. He has been doing really well, except we had a setback after he fell into a toilet at a restaurant and has since been terrified of going without his little seat. I guess now he is determined to be a real cowboy. He has been heard quite often lately saying "Cowboys go potty in the toilet and hippies poop in their pants" Its pretty cute but we have to credit Papa Joe for the original saying. I guess potty training techniques used on big Jake work for Rebb too. :)

1 comment:

Andrea said...

that saying is too funny. congrats.