Saturday, January 28, 2012

Cowboy Up!!!

Rebb is obsessed with cowboys.
A little while before Christmas he started talking all about cowboys and how he was gonna ask Santa for a little baby pig. When I asked him where it would live he said in his room and he would feed it ice cream cones. He is really into all the cowboy clothes and accessories. Last time we saw Uncle Pat he was wearing boots and a plaid shirt so immediately Rebb knew he was good people. He started saying he needed to wear a cowboy shirt like Uncle Pat and a cowboy belt like Sammy Sosa. (Sammy doesn't wear a cowboy belt, just a belt) I guess Sam is probably the only family member we have skinny enough to tuck in his shirt so you can actually see he wears a belt.
 As you probably guessed Rebb did not get a live pig for Christmas but Boggy and Papa Joe did find him a piggy bank that oinks and squeals when you put change in him. Along with this perfect cowboy shirt complete with cowboy pockets. Santa brought cowboy boots and a belt with a horse on the buckle.
Each time he wears this ensemble he says he is ready to go ride a horse with "Aunt". My Aunt Nancy lives in the little town of Amalga UT. She has horses, and chickens, dogs, and puppies. All the regular small town, with land stuff. Twice she has let Rebb come out there and she gives him a basket to gather eggs from the chicken coop and say hello to the horses. He wont forget it, they are like the two best days of his life. He is constantly talking about when he went to the "farm" and how soon can he go back?
So if your looking for Heaven, fear not Rebb has found it. Go see my Aunt Nancy, but take a basket and a shovel. There are eggs to be gathered and horse poop to be shoveled.
Thanks Nance, love ya. :)

1 comment:

Jane said...

Love it! I've even been to Amalga. I'll look up Aunt Nancy the next time I head to Newton!!